"Se siete fan di Mass Effect, Nebulae: The Astropolitics MMO è un titolo da tenere d’occhio" Literally: "If you are a fan of Mass Effect, Nebulae: The Astropolitics MMO is a game to keep an eye on"! Well, we believe that even if
Elle magazine “14 entrepreneures de Station F vous donnent leurs conseils”
Our founder Julie Bonnecarrère has been invited to join the #FemaleFoundersFellowship in Station F to support female-founded companies. www.elle.fr/ has interviewed some members of the fellowship to foster startup creations amongst women! Here is the exerpt concerning our founder, in French. Read the
FRENCH DOERS TALKS “L’impact des jeux vidéos sur une génération d’entrepreneurs”
Our founder Pavel Afanasiev has been invited to join the FrenchDoers podacast to discuss how video games impact an entire generation of entrepreuneurs. Watch the interview in French : )
BUMPY RIDE February has been, as always, pretty intense. We have included new features, recruited our lead back-end developer, interviewed a few candidates to join the game-design team, found new investors and got 1000+ fans on instagram! Let's reach these 1000+ on